What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?

  • We have learned that we need to be more strategic with social media, and that we cannot focus on all the social media platforms.  Since 80% of our new sales come from Facebook, we will focus our marketing efforts there. And we are delegating the Instagram and interest activity to the dancers. 


  • Facebook, Delegation

High Museum of Art

What are some of the things you've done this last season?

  • We've been focusing on families with free admission on the 2nd Sunday of each month.  The audience is larger and there is more data, but no one is tracking their return attendance, or if they become members.  We need a marketing plan specifically for this audience.
  • We want to try an "art box' program for the families that attend on second Sundays, where they will get incentivized with additional art supplies when they return on days that are not the Second Sunday - to encourage repeat visits.


  • Free admission, Conversion from free to paid, marketing plan
  • Incentivizing

Georgia Symphony

What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?

  • The importance of creating and sharing an experience.

What are some of the things you've done this last season?

  • We created a VIP experience for the GSO Dads Concert.  It was an $11 add-on to raise the price from $29 to $30.  VIP only reception afterwards to meet the musicians, and prime preserved seats.  Sold 28 additionaltickets and had to add a row.


  • Backstage access, VIP, Increase ticket price

What’s the best database for my organization? How do I choose?

Guest Blogger: Jordan Simmons, Senior Account Executive, Patron Technology

We can all agree that capturing and tracking information and making data-based decisions is important for any arts organization, but how do you know which database tool to use to facilitate that? How do you choose a great system when there are so many varying options on the market these days? 

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