As a result of what we’ve learned at the Roundtable, we are now using Google docs to share information among our staff team and minimize our addiction to checking email (which is mostly us sending email to each other) thus saving a lot of time to focus on what we need to be doing.
We expanded our Fast Pass to online purchases (reaching a broader audience) and our sales have dramatically expanded.
We’ve been working on non-traditional collaborations as a result of what we’ve learned. Because of a performance we did at Georgia Tech, we now have a partnership with the Atlanta Science Festival and are working on programs we can do at the intersection of art and science.
We met to see where our common ground is and this resulted in a joint exhibition of craft work. We are tremendously excited about the collaboration and the exposure to each other’s visitors and patrons.
We are working on “radical hospitality” and being more welcoming to every person who comes through our front door. We speak to each person, get his or her contact information, and ask for a donation above the admission fee. This has been very successful and we are going to continue to train our staff to engage with our visitors in the hope that we can move them up the “patron ladder.”
We instituted “pay what you can” nights for evenings that had traditionally been slow ticket sale nights. These have been tremendously successful, and on one recent evening, we “sold” every seat. We’ve also captured all of the names and information of these donors so that we can follow up with them. We are optimistic about these new patrons.
Michael O'Neal Singers
What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?
- Need to engage singers and volunteers to advocate on social media.
- Need board to understand the importance, and then get volunteers to do it.
- Board buy-in
Aurora Theatre
What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?
- Better engagement on Social Media.
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- Right before the annoncement of the new season, asked on fb "What is your Dream Show" and got 159 responses.
- Facebook survey
Synchronicity Theatre
What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?
- New tactics for soft nights.
- For Wednesday, and Industry night has increased attednance from 24 to 93 people in just 3 weeks.
- For Friday Family Nights, changed it to PJs and cookies and milk. Has gonne from 25-110 people in three weeks.
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- We are doing a better job of getting the right programming mix in place, and far enough ahead of time to implement.
- Data Mining is a challenge - have good data, but need to take the time to analyze it.
- We could do a better job communicating to our audiences.
Key words
- Programming Mix
- Data Mining
- Segmenting communication by audience
Atlanta Opera
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- We have a new Discovery Series that features smaller, modern works in venues all over the city. We have learned the imrtance of matching the right show to the right venue.
- Site Specific Programming
What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?
- We have learned that we need to be more strategic with social media, and that we cannot focus on all the social media platforms. Since 80% of our new sales come from Facebook, we will focus our marketing efforts there. And we are delegating the Instagram and interest activity to the dancers.
- Facebook, Delegation
High Museum of Art
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- We've been focusing on families with free admission on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The audience is larger and there is more data, but no one is tracking their return attendance, or if they become members. We need a marketing plan specifically for this audience.
- We want to try an "art box' program for the families that attend on second Sundays, where they will get incentivized with additional art supplies when they return on days that are not the Second Sunday - to encourage repeat visits.
- Free admission, Conversion from free to paid, marketing plan
- Incentivizing
Georgia Symphony
What have you heard today that you need to try to do in your organization?
- The importance of creating and sharing an experience.
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- We created a VIP experience for the GSO Dads Concert. It was an $11 add-on to raise the price from $29 to $30. VIP only reception afterwards to meet the musicians, and prime preserved seats. Sold 28 additionaltickets and had to add a row.
- Backstage access, VIP, Increase ticket price
Spivey Hall
What are some of the things you've done this last season?
- To better leverage our data, we worked with COX Media to do a PRIZM profile of our patrons and help identify potential new patrons by address. We did a test mailing and expect results in a few weeks.
- PRIZM Profile, direct mail
Horizon Theatre Co.
- Timing and how to incorporate social better
- How to decide on the right message for each platform
What intend to try
- Incorporate text into/onto the posted images
- Show more production and behind the scenes photos
- Share key social messages with staff and cast each week
Aurora Theatre
- Figuring out how to make more picture/photo content
- Encouraging sharing
What intend to try
- Have to use Instagram
- Need to add info about how to get tickets to the Instagram description
- Post directly
Moving in the Spirit
- Reworking own schedule to be there to capture the behind the scenes
What intend to try
- More visual posts
- Use native images & video instead of linking to youtube
- Use Facebook live to show behind the scenes and cute kids
Atlanta Ballet
- Front line assistance
- Social media delegation
What intend to try
- Could more fully engage and activate their front lines on social - teachers, parents, subscribers
- To help generate content and conversation
CORE Dance
- Need stakeholder buy in
What intend to try
- We learned the difference between Engagement and Advertising in social media. We need to shift to be more engaging and less advertising. And we need our stakeholders to be bought in.
- We also need to create a place for selfies or a "step and repeat" type concept that is adaptable to our many different locations.
Michael Oneal Singers
- Taking the time to plan ahead and give everyone their scripts
What intend to try
- Need to create an experience online and onsite to drive engagement and attendance
- Leverage the board and 150 singers as advocates - give them a script of what to do on social to help